Ilkahöhe Audioguide

Tour Oberzeismering 7, 82327 Tutzing, DE

This non-commercial walk was created in 2021 as part of a project ("P-Seminar") Gymnasium Tutzing

Author: Gerald Tutzing

7 Stations

Parking Lot

Monatshauser Straße, 82327 Tutzing, DE

First some introduction and some information on what you can expect on this small tour on the Ilkahöhe. Afterwards i will guide you to the Ilkahöhe.

1. Stop

Monatshauser Straße, 82327 Tutzing, DE

I will be giving you some information about the town you just walked through.

2. Stop

Oberzeismering 7, 82327 Tutzing, DE

You will be able to choose between going to eat something delicious in a restaurant or making your way back to the train station.

3. Stop

Monatshauser Straße, 82327 Tutzing, DE

Play this track when you reach the big junction, where this guide started.

4. Stop

Am Höhenberg 25, 82327 Tutzing, DE

Play this track when you reach the end of the path.

5. Stop

Kustermannstraße 31, 82327 Tutzing, DE

Please play this track at the small bridge.

6. Station

Beringerweg 2b, 82327 Tutzing, DE

Play this track when you reach the open road.